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A bit of background

Circle8fitness is founded by Matt Parks; a former World, European and British Thai Boxing Champion. Matt has over 20 years of experience in the fitness industry and has worked in what is regarded as the top gyms in London and Los Angeles, as well as being the founder of Stars Gym in London, Battersea.

Matt formulated Circle8fitness in order to bring something new and exciting to the fitness industry and has always believed the key thing that makes any club special is the people in it. ​To make a gym successful is the people, and the fundamental needs they require to be met through exercise. Circle8fitness is about meeting those needs and goals in a fun environment creating a "fellowship in fitness." 


About Circle8fitness – A Kickboxing inspired group fitness class


What makes Circle8fitness unique is there isn't anything that is set around the dynamic applications of using all eight limbs in a circuit based class, by using the discipline of Muay Thai boxing. There are many fitness concepts incorporating Boxing, thus making C8 special.

Using Kickboxing, Muay Thai and Boxing means we exercise eight key points of the body to strike with - hands, elbows, knees and kicks. And with the multitude of variations in which each limb can be used makes it the most complete and versatile combat sport that has been adapted into fitness training.


The studio - circle8fitness class


  • The setting: A cool club setting engaging the participants with the latest in beats

  • A lighting system to engage and infuse the participants with energy that’s created by the space, the instructor and the music

  • A space that is created for you to have as much fun as possible whilst training

  • Classes are fast and furious, totalling 50 minutes of non-stop action packed training

  • A buzzing 10 minute warm up covering the basic strikes that you will use in your Circle8fitness workout

  • 35 intense minutes consisting of 4 sets of 8 rounds on the kick-posts and full-body conditioning. From upper and lower body drills to full body drills, incorporating equipment or body weight exercises                                                          

  • Finishes with 5 minutes abdominal work and a light stretch

The classes have been developed in a way that anyone can participate. You require no experience in martial arts or Boxing, just an enthusiasm to have fun while working out. 


Constant illustration of the drills and techniques are provided during the classes through screens around the room, to allow the instructor to provide better personalised tuition and direction to anyone who needs that little more assistance during the class, and allows the instructor to be more interactive with everyone. The rounds are short and sweet, the intensity you wish to work at is up to you but we will try and push your limits and boundaries. 


Health, age & need specific classes


Our goal and dream is to cater to the demographic of "all", to create a community to bring together those with common ground to build friendships and fellowships, whether in life or circumstances. 


We wish to create a multitude of group classes catering primarily for those with different needs, examples such as for the over 40's, group classes for individuals stricken by bone degenerative disease aiding in improving agility, movement and reinforce the connection between the mind and body via the coordination and set movement patterns and drills formulated in our training. We have classes for weightwatchers, ladies only classes, sobriety classes - which are to help those with in a process of recovery related to addiction and other life problems. This class is intended to help redirect their energy towards fitness and its overall benefit to improve even further on the road to their overall recovery and sobriety. â€‹


AREA 2 (Personal Training and class area) 


Additionally to the concept fitness class in the main C8 studio we have a secondary area where by clients can seek additional training via personal training with one of our select trainers or, where we will be running more traditional and conventional Muay Thai/Kickboxing and Boxing classes with a very experienced team of trainers that all come from a professional athletic backgrounds. These classes will be teaching the fundamentals of the sports for those looking for a deeper insight into the disciplines themselves as well as having the fitness option at their disposal. 

Additional to this:


Certification courses: Founder Matt Parks has constructed a formulated, tried and tested training system to develop the skills of existing personal trainers or enthusiast of Thai Boxing and Boxing to become high level instructors of the said disciplines. Two levels are offered. Both very comprehensive and intense weekend courses available to anyone who wishes to learn to teach. These courses also teach the key elements of becoming successful personal trainers and coaches as well as the practical skills involved in becoming a top level boxing coach. 


Why Muay Thai Boxing or Boxing for fitness?

This question couldn’t have been any easier. Muay Thai & Boxing are both great workouts. It develops speed, agility, finesse, power, strength, endurance, and metal durability. It’s the “sweet science” of boxing and the “Science of Eight limbs” of Muay Thai. 

It Can Improve Your Coordination

Boxing /Muay Thai is a great way to work on your hand-eye coordination, especially as class involves hitting a target. This can have real-life implications like helping you feel more alert and confident in everyday surroundings.

Muay Thai & Boxing ease stress

There's just something about throwing punches after a bad day that can change your outlook. "Hitting and kicking a bag or pads is stress-relieving," 


You'll feel stronger, more confident and more in control over the course of the class as you hit and punch to release tension of your day to day. Striking-style exercises can promote feelings of relaxation and put people in a better mood. Plus, like with any challenging workout, striking will unleash the same feel-good endorphins responsible for the "runner's high" you hear so much about.


All of those heart-pumping punches and kicks burn calories. How many you burn during a typical class depends on several individual factors, but women can expect to burn about 400 calories in an hour and men about 500 and professional boxers can burn upwards of 800 calories during an hour of training. Boxing can lead to weight loss if that's your goal.

It's a Killer Cardio Workout

If you've ever watched professional Muay Thai or boxing, you know it only takes a few minutes until a fighter's huffing and puffing and covered in a sheen of sweat. Look no further for proof that Muay Thai & boxing qualifies as aerobic exercise.


It works your entire body and combines periods of anaerobic, aerobic and strength building, Boxing was HIIT before HIIT was a thing." HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training, and, it can keep you burning calories — including from fat stores — for hours after you cool down.

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